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Domus Trinitatis
Home of the Trinity
Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Mission
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Mt. 11:28
The Plan....On May 31st, 2006, with the permission of the Sacred Congregation for Religious, Sister transferred her final vows from the Missionaries of Charity Contemplatives to the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity. Sister's first assignment was to restore the founding convent of the Sisters of Our Lady in Holman, New Mexico. In the course of completing the work in Holman Sister realized that the time had come to answer God's call. When she asked her Superior, Sister Anne Marie Walsh, "How will I know if this is God's will?" Sister Anne responded that God would let us know. Sister Marie Hesed received her answer when, in May of 2012, 33 acres of beautiful Iowa farmland was donated for Domus Trinitatis to be built.
Plans were drawn and money began to be raised. In April of 2015 the groundbreaking took place.
Domus Trinitatis, Home of the Trinity will consist of ..........
Convent ...................Priest Residence....................Spirituality Center..........
Rosary Walk...........Stations of The Cross.................Meditation Gardens
Adoration Chapel.............Chit Chat Apostalate Coffee Shop
Also Hermitatges......small cottages that will be available for personal retreats. There will also be cottages for married couples.
Retreats can last for a weekend or longer. Guests will have the option of having a Directed Retreat, a Personal Retreat or Themed Retreat, where one can leave the worldly distractions to enter into a deeper encounter with Christ.

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